What is it like for women pursuing careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields? Clearly, the experience is different for women and for men. Salary data show global pay disparities : across the world, women in photonics, for example, earn less than men. It isn’t a quality issue. The Association of Women in Science reports that awards, patents, and funding opportunities for women are proportionately fewer -- but at the same time, women publish in higher percentages and in journals with higher impact factors, and startups with women as top executives are more successful. Noting that "the problem is not the lack of female talent," the European Commission has quantified what it calls a “leaky pipeline.” In 2006, for example, women accounted for 45% of PhD graduates but in the same year, 82% of the most senior researchers were men and just 18% women. In the United States, women are 50% of the total workforce but 24% of the STEM wor...